aiida.manage.configuration package#

Modules related to the configuration of an AiiDA instance.

aiida.manage.configuration._merge_deprecated_cache_yaml(config, filepath)[source]#

Merge the deprecated cache_config.yml into the config.


Return the current configuration.

If the configuration has not been loaded yet
  • the configuration is loaded using load_config

  • the global CONFIG variable is set

  • the configuration object is returned

Note: This function will except if no configuration file can be found. Only call this function, if you need information from the configuration file.


create (bool) – if True, will create the configuration file if it does not already exist


the config

Return type



aiida.common.ConfigurationError – if the configuration file could not be found, read or deserialized

aiida.manage.configuration.get_config_option(option_name: str) Any[source]#

Return the value of a configuration option.

In order of priority, the option is returned from:

  1. The current profile, if loaded and the option specified

  2. The current configuration, if loaded and the option specified

  3. The default value for the option


option_name – the name of the option to return


the value of the option


aiida.common.exceptions.ConfigurationError – if the option is not found


Returns path to .aiida configuration directory.

aiida.manage.configuration.get_profile() Optional[aiida.manage.configuration.profile.Profile][source]#

Return the currently loaded profile.


the globally loaded Profile instance or None

aiida.manage.configuration.load_config(create=False) aiida.manage.configuration.config.Config[source]#

Instantiate Config object representing an AiiDA configuration file.

Warning: Contrary to get_config(), this function is uncached and will always create a new Config object. You may want to call get_config() instead.


create (bool) – if True, will create the configuration file if it does not already exist


the config

Return type



aiida.common.MissingConfigurationError – if the configuration file could not be found and create=False


Load a dummy profile just for the purposes of being able to build the documentation.

The building of the documentation will require importing the aiida package and some code will try to access the loaded configuration and profile, which if not done will except. Calling this function allows the documentation to be built without having to install and configure AiiDA, nor having an actual database present.

aiida.manage.configuration.load_profile(profile: Optional[str] = None, allow_switch=False) aiida.manage.configuration.profile.Profile[source]#

Load a global profile, unloading any previously loaded profile.


if a profile is already loaded and no explicit profile is specified, nothing will be done

  • profile – the name of the profile to load, by default will use the one marked as default in the config

  • allow_switch – if True, will allow switching to a different profile when storage is already loaded


the loaded Profile instance


aiida.common.exceptions.InvalidOperation – if another profile has already been loaded and allow_switch is False

aiida.manage.configuration.profile_context(profile: Optional[str] = None, allow_switch=False) aiida.manage.configuration.profile.Profile[source]#

Return a context manager for temporarily loading a profile, and unloading on exit.

  • profile – the name of the profile to load, by default will use the one marked as default in the config

  • allow_switch – if True, will allow switching to a different profile


a context manager for temporarily loading a profile


Reset the globally loaded config.


This is experimental functionality and should for now be used only internally. If the reset is unclean weird unknown side-effects may occur that end up corrupting or destroying data.


Module that defines the configuration file of an AiiDA instance and functions to create and load it.

class aiida.manage.configuration.config.Config(filepath: str, config: dict, validate: bool = True)[source]#

Bases: object

Object that represents the configuration file of an AiiDA instance.

KEY_DEFAULT_PROFILE = 'default_profile'#
KEY_OPTIONS = 'options'#
KEY_PROFILES = 'profiles'#
KEY_SCHEMA = '$schema'#
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'aiida.manage.configuration.config', '__doc__': 'Object that represents the configuration file of an AiiDA instance.', 'KEY_VERSION': 'CONFIG_VERSION', 'KEY_VERSION_CURRENT': 'CURRENT', 'KEY_VERSION_OLDEST_COMPATIBLE': 'OLDEST_COMPATIBLE', 'KEY_DEFAULT_PROFILE': 'default_profile', 'KEY_PROFILES': 'profiles', 'KEY_OPTIONS': 'options', 'KEY_SCHEMA': '$schema', 'from_file': <classmethod object>, '_backup': <classmethod object>, 'validate': <staticmethod object>, '__init__': <function Config.__init__>, '__eq__': <function Config.__eq__>, '__ne__': <function Config.__ne__>, 'handle_invalid': <function Config.handle_invalid>, 'dictionary': <property object>, 'version': <property object>, 'version_oldest_compatible': <property object>, 'version_settings': <property object>, 'filepath': <property object>, 'dirpath': <property object>, 'default_profile_name': <property object>, 'profile_names': <property object>, 'profiles': <property object>, 'validate_profile': <function Config.validate_profile>, 'get_profile': <function Config.get_profile>, 'add_profile': <function Config.add_profile>, 'update_profile': <function Config.update_profile>, 'remove_profile': <function Config.remove_profile>, 'delete_profile': <function Config.delete_profile>, 'set_default_profile': <function Config.set_default_profile>, 'options': <property object>, 'set_option': <function Config.set_option>, 'unset_option': <function Config.unset_option>, 'get_option': <function Config.get_option>, 'get_options': <function Config.get_options>, 'store': <function>, '_atomic_write': <function Config._atomic_write>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Config' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Config' objects>, '__hash__': None, '__annotations__': {}})#

Two configurations are considered equal, when their dictionaries are equal.

__hash__ = None#
__init__(filepath: str, config: dict, validate: bool = True)[source]#

Instantiate a configuration object from a configuration dictionary and its filepath.

If an empty dictionary is passed, the constructor will create the skeleton configuration dictionary.

  • filepath – the absolute filepath of the configuration file

  • config – the content of the configuration file in dictionary form

  • validate – validate the dictionary against the schema

__module__ = 'aiida.manage.configuration.config'#

Two configurations are considered unequal, when their dictionaries are unequal.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Write the config as it is in memory, i.e. the contents of self.dictionary, to disk.


this command will write the config from memory to a temporary file in the same directory as the target file filepath. It will then use os.rename to move the temporary file to filepath which will be overwritten if it already exists. The os.rename is the operation that gives the best guarantee of being atomic within the limitations of the application.


filepath – optional filepath to write the contents to, if not specified, the default filename is used.

classmethod _backup(filepath)[source]#

Create a backup of the configuration file with the given filepath.


filepath – absolute path to the configuration file to backup


the absolute path of the created backup


Add a profile to the configuration.


profile – the profile configuration dictionary



property default_profile_name#

Return the default profile name.


the default profile name or None if not defined

delete_profile(name: str, include_database: bool = True, include_database_user: bool = False, include_repository: bool = True)[source]#

Delete a profile including its storage.

  • include_database – also delete the database configured for the profile.

  • include_database_user – also delete the database user configured for the profile.

  • include_repository – also delete the repository configured for the profile.

property dictionary: dict#

Return the dictionary representation of the config as it would be written to file.


dictionary representation of config as it should be written to file

property dirpath#
property filepath#
classmethod from_file(filepath)[source]#

Instantiate a configuration object from the contents of a given file.


if the filepath does not exist an empty file will be created with the current default configuration and will be written to disk. If the filepath does already exist but contains a configuration with an outdated schema, the content will be migrated and then written to disk.


filepath – the absolute path to the configuration file


Config instance

get_option(option_name, scope=None, default=True)[source]#

Get a configuration option for a certain scope.

  • option_name – the name of the configuration option

  • scope – get the option for this profile or globally if not specified

  • default – boolean, If True will return the option default, even if not defined within the given scope


the option value or None if not set for the given scope

get_options(scope: Optional[str] = None) Dict[str, Tuple[aiida.manage.configuration.options.Option, str, Any]][source]#

Return a dictionary of all option values and their source (‘profile’, ‘global’, or ‘default’).


scope – the profile name or globally if not specified


(option, source, value)

get_profile(name: Optional[str] = None) aiida.manage.configuration.profile.Profile[source]#

Return the profile for the given name or the default one if not specified.


the profile instance or None if it does not exist


aiida.common.ProfileConfigurationError – if the name is not found in the configuration file


Handle an incoming invalid configuration dictionary.

The current content of the configuration file will be written to a backup file.


message – a string message to echo with describing the infraction

property options#
property profile_names#

Return the list of profile names.


list of profile names

property profiles#

Return the list of profiles.


the profiles

Return type

list of Profile instances


Remove a profile from the configuration.


name – the name of the profile to remove


aiida.common.ProfileConfigurationError – if the given profile does not exist



set_default_profile(name, overwrite=False)[source]#

Set the given profile as the new default.

  • name – name of the profile to set as new default

  • overwrite – when True, set the profile as the new default even if a default profile is already defined


aiida.common.ProfileConfigurationError – if the given profile does not exist



set_option(option_name, option_value, scope=None, override=True)[source]#

Set a configuration option for a certain scope.

  • option_name – the name of the configuration option

  • option_value – the option value

  • scope – set the option for this profile or globally if not specified

  • override – boolean, if False, will not override the option if it already exists


the parsed value (potentially cast to a valid type)


Write the current config to file.


if the configuration file already exists on disk and its contents differ from those in memory, a backup of the original file on disk will be created before overwriting it.



unset_option(option_name: str, scope=None)[source]#

Unset a configuration option for a certain scope.

  • option_name – the name of the configuration option

  • scope – unset the option for this profile or globally if not specified


Update a profile in the configuration.


profile – the profile instance to update



static validate(config: dict, filepath: Optional[str] = None)[source]#

Validate a configuration dictionary.


Validate that a profile exists.


name – name of the profile:


aiida.common.ProfileConfigurationError – if the name is not found in the configuration file

property version#
property version_oldest_compatible#
property version_settings#
exception aiida.manage.configuration.config.ConfigValidationError(message: str, keypath: Sequence[Any] = (), schema: Optional[dict] = None, filepath: Optional[str] = None)[source]#

Bases: aiida.common.exceptions.ConfigurationError

Configuration error raised when the file contents fails validation.

__init__(message: str, keypath: Sequence[Any] = (), schema: Optional[dict] = None, filepath: Optional[str] = None)[source]#
__module__ = 'aiida.manage.configuration.config'#
__str__() str[source]#

Return str(self).

aiida.manage.configuration.config.config_schema() Dict[str, Any][source]#

Return the configuration schema.

Definition of known configuration options and methods to parse and get option values.

class aiida.manage.configuration.options.Option(name: str, schema: Dict[str, Any])[source]#

Bases: object

Represent a configuration option schema.

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'aiida.manage.configuration.options', '__doc__': 'Represent a configuration option schema.', '__init__': <function Option.__init__>, '__str__': <function Option.__str__>, 'name': <property object>, 'schema': <property object>, 'valid_type': <property object>, 'default': <property object>, 'description': <property object>, 'global_only': <property object>, 'validate': <function Option.validate>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Option' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Option' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})#
__init__(name: str, schema: Dict[str, Any])[source]#
__module__ = 'aiida.manage.configuration.options'#
__str__() str[source]#

Return str(self).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

property default: Any#
property description: str#
property global_only: bool#
property name: str#
property schema: Dict[str, Any]#
property valid_type: Any#
validate(value: Any, cast: bool = True) Any[source]#

Validate a value

  • value – The input value

  • cast – Attempt to cast the value to the required type


The output value



aiida.manage.configuration.options.get_option(name: str) aiida.manage.configuration.options.Option[source]#

Return option.

aiida.manage.configuration.options.get_option_names() List[str][source]#

Return a list of available option names.

aiida.manage.configuration.options.get_schema_options() Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]][source]#

Return schema for options.

aiida.manage.configuration.options.parse_option(option_name: str, option_value: Any) Tuple[aiida.manage.configuration.options.Option, Any][source]#

Parse and validate a value for a configuration option.

  • option_name – the name of the configuration option

  • option_value – the option value


a tuple of the option and the parsed value

AiiDA profile related code

class aiida.manage.configuration.profile.Profile(name: str, config: Mapping[str, Any], validate=True)[source]#

Bases: object

Class that models a profile as it is stored in the configuration file of an AiiDA instance.

KEY_DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL = 'default_user_email'#
KEY_OPTIONS = 'options'#
KEY_PROCESS = 'process_control'#
KEY_STORAGE = 'storage'#
KEY_TEST_PROFILE = 'test_profile'#
REQUIRED_KEYS = ('storage', 'process_control')#
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'aiida.manage.configuration.profile', '__doc__': 'Class that models a profile as it is stored in the configuration file of an AiiDA instance.', 'KEY_UUID': 'PROFILE_UUID', 'KEY_DEFAULT_USER_EMAIL': 'default_user_email', 'KEY_STORAGE': 'storage', 'KEY_PROCESS': 'process_control', 'KEY_STORAGE_BACKEND': 'backend', 'KEY_STORAGE_CONFIG': 'config', 'KEY_PROCESS_BACKEND': 'backend', 'KEY_PROCESS_CONFIG': 'config', 'KEY_OPTIONS': 'options', 'KEY_TEST_PROFILE': 'test_profile', 'REQUIRED_KEYS': ('storage', 'process_control'), '__init__': <function Profile.__init__>, '__str__': <function Profile.__str__>, 'copy': <function Profile.copy>, 'uuid': <property object>, 'default_user_email': <property object>, 'storage_backend': <property object>, 'storage_config': <property object>, 'set_storage': <function Profile.set_storage>, 'storage_cls': <property object>, 'process_control_backend': <property object>, 'process_control_config': <property object>, 'set_process_controller': <function Profile.set_process_controller>, 'options': <property object>, 'get_option': <function Profile.get_option>, 'set_option': <function Profile.set_option>, 'unset_option': <function Profile.unset_option>, 'name': <property object>, 'dictionary': <property object>, 'is_test_profile': <property object>, 'repository_path': <property object>, 'rmq_prefix': <property object>, 'get_rmq_url': <function Profile.get_rmq_url>, 'filepaths': <property object>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Profile' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Profile' objects>, '__annotations__': {'_attributes': 'Dict[str, Any]'}})#
__init__(name: str, config: Mapping[str, Any], validate=True)[source]#

Load a profile with the profile configuration.

__module__ = 'aiida.manage.configuration.profile'#
__str__() str[source]#

Return str(self).


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Return a copy of the profile.

property default_user_email: Optional[str]#

Return the default user email.

property dictionary: Dict[str, Any]#

Return the profile attributes as a dictionary with keys as it is stored in the config


the profile configuration dictionary

property filepaths#

Return the filepaths used by this profile.


a dictionary of filepaths

get_option(option_key, default=None)[source]#
get_rmq_url() str[source]#

Return the RMQ url for this profile.

property is_test_profile: bool#

Return whether the profile is a test profile


boolean, True if test profile, False otherwise

property name#

Return the profile name.


the profile name

property options#
property process_control_backend: str#

Return the type of the process control backend.

property process_control_config: Dict[str, Any]#

Return the configuration required by the process control backend.

property repository_path: pathlib.Path#

Return the absolute path of the repository configured for this profile.

The URI should be in the format protocol://address


At the moment, only the file protocol is supported.


absolute filepath of the profile’s file repository

property rmq_prefix: str#

Return the prefix that should be used for RMQ resources


the rmq prefix string

set_option(option_key, value, override=True)[source]#

Set a configuration option for a certain scope.

  • option_key – the key of the configuration option

  • option_value – the option value

  • override – boolean, if False, will not override the option if it already exists

set_process_controller(name: str, config: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]#

Set the process control backend and its configuration.

  • name – the name of the process backend

  • config – the configuration of the process backend

set_storage(name: str, config: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]#

Set the storage backend and its configuration.

  • name – the name of the storage backend

  • config – the configuration of the storage backend

property storage_backend: str#

Return the type of the storage backend.

property storage_cls: Type[StorageBackend]#

Return the storage backend class for this profile.

property storage_config: Dict[str, Any]#

Return the configuration required by the storage backend.

property uuid: str#

Return the profile uuid.


string UUID

Base settings required for the configuration of an AiiDA instance.


Create the base directories required for a new AiiDA instance.

This will create the base AiiDA directory defined by the AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER variable, unless it already exists. Subsequently, it will create the daemon directory within it and the daemon log directory.


Determine the location of the configuration directory and set the related global variables.

The location of the configuration folder will be determined and optionally created following these heuristics:

  • If the AIIDA_PATH variable is set, all the paths will be checked to see if they contain a configuration folder. The first one to be encountered will be set as AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER. If none of them contain one, a configuration folder will be created in the last path considered.

  • If the AIIDA_PATH variable is not set the DEFAULT_AIIDA_PATH value will be used as base path and if it does not yet contain a configuration folder, one will be created.

In principle then, a configuration folder should always be found or automatically created.